Breast Cancer 1.1
Breast cancer is a type of cancer originatingfrom breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milkducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk.This app describes about the breast cancer, symptoms , fiskfactors, diagnostic tools and treatment options for breastcancer.
Flip Me 1.0
Flip me is a free android game.Flip the slideto start the game.There are three levels 1,Easy 2.Medium3.Difficulty.
Leukemia 1.0
Leukemia is a malignant disorder (a form ofcancer) that involves the bone marrow and blood systems. Leukemiaresults in the uncontrolled growth of abnormal (leukemic) whiteblood cells.App describes the causes, symptoms, and treatmentoptions for leukemia cancer.
Migraine 1.0
Migraine is a chronic neurological diseasecharacterized by recurrent moderate to severe headaches often inassociation with a number of autonomic nervous systemsymptoms.Typically the headache affects one half of the head, ispulsating in nature, and lasts from 2 to 72 hours. Associatedsymptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light,sound, or smell. The app provides tips to control migraine headache, pill reminder, option to track the pain.
PACT 2.0
PACT application is a state of the art, comprehensive andscientifically validated in-clinic support tool for oncologists toassists them in their treatment decisions making. It is a reliable,effective and interactive ready reckoner/handbook on oncology. Ithelps the medical professionals in the calculation of some of theimportant prognostic calculators like- 1. Absolute Neutrophil Count2. Febrile Neutropenia Rist 3. International Staging System forMultiple Myeloma - Revised 4. MDS International Prognostic ScoringSystem - Revised 5. NHL Prognosis: DLBCL-IPI 6. NHL Prognosis:FL-IPI 7. NHL Prognosis: M-IPI 8. Response Categories in MultipleMyeloma The key attraction is that the app is designed to be fullyfunctional even without Internet connectivity. Finally, having PACTapplication for key information helps the doctors in the efficientmanagement of their time; to provide their expertise to morepatients with improved interaction quality.
Multiple Myeloma 1.2
Multiple myeloma, also known as plasma cellmyeloma or Kahler's disease, is a cancer of plasma cells, a type ofwhite blood cell normally responsible for producing antibodies. Appdescribes the symptoms,causes, diagnostic tools and treatmentoptions for myeloma.
Telsartan CV Update 1.7
Telsartan app furnishes an insight inproviding enhancive knowledge for physicians providing data inresearch updates of cardiology from reputed journals with dailynotifications. Other features include Guidelines & ConferenceUpdates – National and International, Prescribing information ofTelsartan and Patient Education.
Renerve 1.0
Renerve application aims to aid treatingclinicians and residents in providing up-to-date information in thefield of neurology based on the best available evidencesThe unique Feature of the app is OSCE, which enables the physicianto assess the intensity of neuropathic pain, which would guide theclinician in tailoring the therapy based on the patient response.The additional features are summary of the treatment guidelinesalong with key clinical trials and management of neuropathic pain.To keep abreast of the changing science peer reviewed journalupdates is part of the application.
NephroDietRecipes 1.0
Diet recipes for nephro disease
Heart Burn 1.1
Heartburn, also known as pyrosis,cardialgia,or acid indigestion is a burningsensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone or in theepigastrium, the uppercentral abdomen.App describes the symptoms, causes, riskfactorsand controlling tips for heart burn.
Smoking Cessation - SRIOR 2.1
“Habit is stronger than reason”…….."Fortunately, there's more than one way to quit smoking . . .the catch is you must choose wisely to become smoke-free."FEATURESCount and check the risk:- Each time you smoke, press theFloating Widget on the home screen of your mobile. It will countthe number of cigarettes per day and shows the risk of developinglung cancer, heart disease and brain stroke. It will also show thenumber of cigarettes smoked per week/month. The graph indicatesyour smoking habit of last 7 days.Addictive scale:- It contains the questionnaire. Fill all thequestions to know how much you are addicted to smokingDe-addiction centers:- Information regarding both, National andInternational de-addiction centers which will help you to knock outthe addiction. It will navigate you to reach the de-addictioncenter through google map.
Fever 1.0
Fever is one of the most common medicalsignsand is characterized by an elevation of body temperature abovethenormal range of 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) due to an increaseinthe temperature regulatory set-point. Fever app describesthesymptoms, causes, prevention and home remedies.
LowBackPain 1.1
Low back pain is a common disorderinvolvingthe muscles and bones of the back.App describes thesymptoms,causes and treatment options for back pain.
Onkotool 3.4
Onkotool is a mobile app, which gives information on oncology. Ithelps to directly access various websites with respect to oncologyacademics and journals. Features: • Rapid scientific search tool •Scientific research article/CME/patient education material providedon request • Direct access to Google search tool
Head Ache 1.0
Head ache app describes the symptoms,causes,treatment options and prevention steps.
Flying Cow 2.0
Help the cow to go through theobstacles.
Respiro 1.0
Respiro APP is clinical calculatorforexecuting respiratory calculations on a user friendlyinterfacewhich helps in managing of pulmonary conditionsRespiratory calculation is often complex and respiro app atyourpalm. This application is the simplest and most user-friendlyappfor everyday clinical use.Respiro helps in computing the A-a gradient, oxygenationindex,clinical pulmonary infection score, pneumonia severity index,andthe Wells score and converting flow rate to deliveredoxygen.This APP is a ready reckoner for physicians, nurses,residents,students, paramedics and all other healthcareprofessionals.DISCLAIMER: Although this app has been tested, it was madeforeducational purposes and is not intended for makingcriticalclinical decisions. As such, all calculations should beconfirmedbefore use. This app's developer makes no claims of theaccuracy ofthe information contained herein.
Pulse Rate Monitor 1.0
Pulse Rate Monitor is an instant applicationtoknow your pulse rate by covering the phone's camera and flashlightsimultaneously with your index finger.
DermaCare 1.0
DermaCare app contains natural tips forbeautycare
Investigators' Meet 1.0
Investigators’ meet app is adedicatedapplication which provides comprehensive information aboutmeetingschedules, agenda, itinerary, and contact details of anevent toall the participating doctors. The participants have accessto allnecessary information from agendas to venue details. Theorganizercan update the conference/event details through adedicated CMSpanel, and can manage the entire content of theapplication throughpush notifications to all participants at anytime.Featured Tabs:Agenda:This tab provides the objective of the event along withcrucialinformation regarding the event.Info & Venue:Contains details of the event, venue, details of theaccommodationand other related information.Travel:Contains itinerary information, arrivals and departureschedules,transport facilities from airport to the event etc.Contact:Contains contact information for all logistics and eventrelatedinformation.
Minesweeper 1.2
Minesweeper is a classic logic-basedfreegame.The goal of the game is to uncover all the squares that donotcontain mines.
Just Relax 1.0
Relax yourself by using this app.
TicTacToe 1.0
Tic-tac-toe is a free android game fortwoplayers, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3grid.The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks inahorizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
QR Code Scanner 1.0
This app provides the facility to scan theqrcode and get information regarding the result in browser andsharethe data through qr code among social media.
Selfie 1.1
Displays the list of selfies with date.
Solve and Get up 1.0
This is a light weight alarm applicationtowake yourself by solving the math problem. User have to solvetheproblem to stop alarm.
ScreenOff 1.0
Can lock the screen from widget.
Convert Units 1.0
Convert unit is a tool with nomuchcomplications and easy to use
Copy Clipboard 1.0
Copy Clipboard is a simple and powerfulappthat automatically saves everything what you copy. Accessyoursaved data by pressing the widget on the screen whenever youneedto. You can share, copy, paste and delete your data.
Gastric Cancer 1.0
Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer,isa malignant tumor arising from the lining of the stomach.Appdescribes about gastric cancer, causes, symptoms, diagnosisandtreatment options.
Expense Manager 1.0
It is a light weight app to manage yourdailyexpenses. This app provides you to add and view thedailyexpenses.
Breast Feeding 1.0
Breastfeeding is the normal way ofprovidingyoung infants with the nutrients they need for healthygrowth anddevelopment. Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition forinfants.Many medical authorities, including the American AcademyofPediatrics and the American College of ObstetriciansandGynecologists, strongly recommend breastfeeding.This APP of breastfeeding can help you for the betterunderstandingof Breast feeding with basics, tips to be followed bynew mothersand changes commonly seen in breast feeding infants.
Lymphoma 1.0
Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer thatoccurswhen B or T lymphocytes, the white blood cells that form apart ofthe immune system and help protect the body from infectionanddisease, divide faster than normal cells or live longer thantheyare supposed to. App describes the types and causes oflymphoma,diagnostic tool and treatment options for lymphomacancer.
Ovarian Cancer Awareness 1.1
Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Vibrant Liver Update 2.6
Vibrant Liver Update is the Android application from Dr. Reddy’sLaboratories. This app is designed to present comprehensiveinformation on Hepatitis, the most devastating problems all around.This App is a quick reference for doctors on hepatitis and its drugupdates, guidelines, clinical challenges, conferences, productupdates. This APP is a 24/7 access to information - anytime,anywhere on Hepatitis. The best and fastest way to quickly getreliable information. Like the text, it presents the information ina Socratic or question-answer format but also provides the abilityto quiz the reader and allows the user to identify shortfalls andbrowse quickly to relevant sections. The variability in outputformat is a hidden gem, allowing easy, customized, and flexibledissemination of exercises. The “Vibrant Liver App” an idealresource for all medical professionals, medical residents andinterns, nurses, and medical students. Best of all- The “VibrantLiver App” is free for Android. APP FEATURES About Hep B  Fulltext including overview of Hep B, diagnosis and treatment optionsGuidelines  Tables, flow charts, algorithms of EASL GuidelinesClinical Challenges  Different case scenarios with treatments andquestions and answers were discussed Drug Updates  Focussed mainlyon Entecavir and Tenofovir  Recent updated articles about both thedrugs Conference Calendar  Exclusively latest information about alconferences, venue , date  Updates on latest journal every monthProduct Updates  Latest updated information about ENTALIV  Thelatest information will be available via automatic updates  eGFRand MELD Calculators
Breast Cancer Awareness SRIOR 2.0
Awareness is the key to make lifestyle changes, when it comes tobreast cancer (and numerous other medical conditions). Most peoplealthough aware of breast cancer and its effects, generally forgetto take steps to detect the disease in its early stage andencourage others to do the same. Mobile apps play a huge role inteaching women to be aware of breast self-examinations, practiceother early detection & screening techniques, as well as how toweigh the different breast cancer treatment options. If you, afamily member or friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer, youwill want to learn as much as you can about this treatable disease.October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sree RamakrishnaInstitute of Oncology (SRIOR) have launched a patient friendly andinformative android application. SRIOR– An innovative initiator ofBreast Cancer awareness APP which will draw global attention ofgeneral public as well as breast cancer patients to provide aninsight into awareness and its preventive tips. FEATURES anddescription of the tabs- Non-Breast Cancer Patients  Am I @ risk:A risk calculator for assessing your risk of developing breastcancer  Screening: Featuring breast self-examination steps in anattempt to detect breast cancer early  Prevention: Basicinformation on how to prevent breast cancer and to lower the riskof developing one  FAQ: Common queries and a detailed explanationon breast cancer Breast Cancer Patients  Basics: Educatingpatients about breast cancer and its stages  Risk factors: Aidingin learning the risk factors of breast cancer  Symptoms: Adetailed pictorial description on the various symptoms of breastcancer  Diagnosis: Giving information on various diagnostic teststo be performed  Treatment: Detailing various treatment modalitiesof breast cancer  Updates: Updating the patients on latestresearch on new diagnostic approaches or life style modificationsSalient Features o It is much faster and takes seconds to launch aMobile App o Functions offline o Always visible on your phone'shome screen o Appears in the Apps Stores Languages o English oHindi o Tamil
Color Psychology 1.0
Color psychology is the study of hues asadeterminant of human behavior.There are four psychologicalprimarycolors - red, blue, yellow and green. They relaterespectively tothe body, the mind, the emotions and the essentialbalance betweenthese three.
Prostate Cancer 1.0
Prostate cancer is a form of cancerthatdevelops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductivesystem.There are cases of aggressive prostate cancers. Appdescribes thecauses, symptoms and treatment tools for prostatecancer.
Colorectal Cancer 1.0
Colorectal cancer develops in the colonorrectum. It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that havetheability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.
Digital Trend 2.0
An initiate for TREND SETTER.Digital Signature-1. Capture digital signature2. Save & Share digital signature3. List of all digital signaturesTrend Setter-1. Capture image from Camera/Gallery2. I AM A Trend SETTER framing (both portrait and landscape)3. Save & Share trend setter framed picture4. List of all Trend Setter pictures
3C Critical Care Calculators
Sepsis or Severe septic shock is one of the most pressing problemsamong the ICU patients. Hence monitoring this critical state ishighly important for doctors and healthcare professionals. Hence,Bharath serums and Vaccines Ltd. has launched its first of its kind3C Critical Care Calculators on Android and iOS professionalmedical calculator and intended for use only health careprofessionals to evaluate the mortality and morbidity of the ICUpatient. · 3C Critical Care Calculators features the innovativecombined calculations, they assure convenience and accuracy. · Itincludes scoring calculators like SOFA , Sepsis, APACHE II, MODSand dosage calculator for Polymyxin and amphotericin · It is aphysician-friendly app, intuitive and very easy to use. · AvailableOFFLINE (free access). · Intuitive user interface. · Easynavigation and info access. Serially and manually calculating thisscore can be sometimes daunting. So, this android application ismade to help simplify the need to calculate the Sepsis score.
CV Risk Prognostic Model 1.1
The SHIFT Prognostic model calculator is a calculator allowingyouto easily obtain the risk for heart failure (HF) patients. Theriskcalculator has been developed from the SHIFT sub- analysis,andprovides important prognostic information in ambulatorypatientswith chronic HF receiving contemporaryguideline-recommendedtherapy. The 10 best predictors for riskstratification in patientswith chronic HF and left ventricularsystolic dysfunction (LVSD),including easily obtainable clinicalcharacteristics and heart rate(HR), have been included for thiscalculator. Increased resting HR,low ejection fraction, raisedcreatinine, New York HeartAssociation class III/IV, longer durationof HF, history of leftbundle branch block, , low systolic bloodpressure and, for threemodels, age were strong predictors of alloutcomes. Additionalpredictors were low body mass index, malegender, ischaemic HF, lowtotal cholesterol, no history ofhyperlipidaemia or dyslipidaemiaand presence of atrialfibrillation/flutter. Note that the riskfactors are independent.The SHIFT Prognostic model includessimple, readily obtainableclinical characteristics to produceimportant prognostic informationin patients with chronic HF,systolic dysfunction, and elevated HR.This may help bettercalibrate management to individual patientrisk. This calculatorassess the risk for two endpoints of the SHIFTtrial: risk ofcardiovascular death or hospital admission forworsening HF overthe next 2 years, and risk of hospital admissionfor worseningheart failure over the next 2 years.